

The exhi­bi­ti­on, using parts of the artis­t’s exis­ting wor­ks, cre­ates a unique envi­ron­ment with a focus on the impor­tan­ce of taking per­so­nal res­pon­si­bi­lity towar­ds the people aro­und us and the soci­ety in which we live 

You Betrayed the Party Just When You Should Have Helped It

The exhi­bi­ti­on of the pro­ject, which has been ins­tal­led so far in the Historical Museum in Pula, in the MMSU in Rijeka and the Vargas Museum in Manila, focu­ses on women’s suf­fe­ring in the poli­ti­cal camp on Goli otok and Sv, Grgur.

“Closed Reality — Embryo” in the Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art in Rijeka

An inte­rac­ti­ve game on the Internet in which players cre­ate embryos

ART-ACT-BOX: Performativeness of the Exhibition

Exhibited at the 12th HT Award for Contemporary Art, Museum of Contemporary Art Zagreb

EQUALS — for the acceptance of diversity

The pro­ject was exhi­bi­ted in over ten coun­tri­es with simi­lar pro­blem of ste­re­otyping of mino­rity identities

Improvised Events

Collective art prac­ti­ce cre­ated at the inter­sec­ti­on of spa­ce, move­ment and sound arti­cu­la­ti­on, MSU Zagreb

“Destigmatization” in the Museum of Contemporary Art in Zagreb

The pro­ject cre­ated in the Vrapče psyc­hi­atric hos­pi­tal deals with the pro­blem of dis­cri­mi­na­ti­on and pre­ju­di­ce aga­inst people suf­fe­ring from men­tal ill­ne­sses and disorders

Vrapče Pillows

The exhi­bi­ti­on in the Forum gal­lery in Zagreb in 2015 pro­ble­ma­ti­zed the stig­ma­ti­za­ti­on of people suf­fe­ring from men­tal ill­ne­sses and disorders

Toolkit for a Joint Action

The “Toolkit” is a modu­lar por­ta­ble ins­tal­la­ti­on with the aim of edu­ca­ti­on and fin­ding the inter­me­di­ate spa­ces of acti­on wit­hin the sys­tem, at the same time tran­sfor­ming it with dif­fe­rent tools

Conquering and Constructing the Common

The exhi­bi­ti­on explo­res the orga­ni­sa­ti­on of everyday life in the poor com­mu­ni­ti­es on the perip­hery of Mexico City

Everyday Divergences

The pro­ject explo­res the cre­ati­ve stra­te­gi­es and for­ms of self-orga­ni­za­ti­on of the inha­bi­tants of the lar­gest buil­ding in Croatia — Mamutice, built in 1974 in Zagreb.