

Handout.pdf Mi_Glasovi.pdf

The exhi­bi­ti­on, using parts of the artis­t’s exis­ting wor­ks, cre­ates a unique envi­ron­ment with a focus on the impor­tan­ce of taking per­so­nal res­pon­si­bi­lity towar­ds the people aro­und us and the soci­ety in which we live 


21.12.2023 — 31.1.2024, Modern Gallery, JU Museums and Galleries of Podgorica, Montenegro / Cura­tors Irena Bekić and Anca Verona Mihuleț / Associate cura­tor of the exhi­bi­ti­on Ljiljana Karadžić, Modern Gallery


Questions regar­ding soci­al res­pon­si­bi­lity and the impli­ca­ti­ons of knowled­ge sha­pe the ways in which we per­ce­ive visu­ality and con­tem­po­rary exhi­bi­ti­ons. Andreja Kulunčić has esta­bli­shed her prac­ti­ce out­si­de the nor­ms of visu­ality and objec­ti­ve­ness – she is a clo­se obser­ver of the imme­di­ate reality, pri­ma­rily in Croatia and the area of for­mer Yugoslavia, with impli­ca­ti­ons in the regi­on and reflec­ti­ons on a glo­bal level.

The exhi­bi­ti­on We: Voices featu­res a stra­ti­fi­ca­ti­on of recent his­to­ri­cal events – the rever­be­ra­ti­ons of WWII, the disin­te­gra­ti­on of Yugoslavia, the first waves of migra­ti­on into Europe, the disso­lu­ti­on of tra­di­ti­onal European indus­tri­es and occu­pa­ti­ons, inclu­ding the recent arri­val of wor­kers from South Asia – epi­so­des that are deli­ca­tely des­cri­bed in the exhi­bi­ti­on space.

The artist uses the voices of the under­pri­vi­le­ged – wor­kers on the mar­gin of exis­ten­ce, people suf­fe­ring from men­tal ill­ness, migrants and ille­gal migrants, people of dif­fe­rent reli­gi­ous, ethi­cal, raci­al and sexu­al iden­ti­ti­es and others – to chan­ge the usu­al, uni­form per­s­pec­ti­ve of our surroundings.

Built aro­und five sta­ti­ons (a news­pa­per nar­ra­ti­on, the zone of moving ima­ge, tes­ti­mo­ni­es of fema­le pri­so­ners, a men­tal map, and a sequ­en­ce of pos­ters), the exhi­bi­ti­on sug­ges­ts how the audi­en­ce mig­ht hear and see the invi­si­ble thre­ads that make up the col­lec­ti­ve views and voices of soci­al­ly under­pri­vi­le­ged people.



The gal­lery thus beco­mes an assem­bly point for bodi­es of mar­gi­na­li­zed people, pre­ven­ted from taking acti­on by soci­al con­sen­sus. The audi­en­ce is invi­ted to take a clo­ser look, to lis­ten, to col­la­bo­ra­te with them, and take a joint risk in con­fron­ting a wor­ld in which some are pri­vi­le­ged, whi­le others are redu­ced to mere sur­vi­val. In such a cons­tel­la­ti­on, thro­ugh com­mon acti­on that can even take pla­ce out­si­de the are­na of poli­ti­cal power, a field of acti­on is cre­ated, whe­re each I leads to an WE.

Realization of the exhi­bi­ti­on: Graphic design Srđa Dragović / Technical reali­za­ti­on Neđeljko Radević and Vukić Petrović / Printing of the news­pa­per-cata­lo­gue daily “Dan” / Photographs of ins­tal­la­ti­ons and conver­sa­ti­ons Filip Roganović and Ivo Martinović / Production Moderna gale­ri­ja Podgorica, 2023.


The exhi­bi­ti­on cata­lo­gue was prin­ted in the form of a daily newspaper

PDF of the cata­lo­gue (only Croatian) »>