
You Betrayed The Party Just When You Should Have Helped It — second updated edition

The pro­jec­t’s publi­ca­ti­on and web site give an insig­ht into women’s suf­fe­ring in the Goli Archipelago

Andreja Kulunčić: Art for Social Changes

The book pre­sents a selec­ti­on of fif­te­en pro­jec­ts cre­ated in the peri­od from 2000 to 2018

Improvised Events

The art book with drawin­gs and text accom­pa­ni­es the exhi­bi­ti­on of visu­al, dan­ce, ins­tru­men­tal and vocal per­for­man­ce in the Museum of Contemporary Art


The publi­ca­ti­on of the pro­ject appro­ac­hes the subver­si­ve cri­ti­cal art prac­ti­ce thro­ugh the met­hods and mate­ri­als that artis­ts used to acti­va­te the audi­en­ce and cri­ti­ci­ze the sys­tem during the 60s and 70s

Creative Strategies: toolkit for a joint action

The set of publi­ca­ti­ons con­sis­ts of: Glossary, Map of Changes, pro­ject broc­hu­re and Dir-dem poster.

Conquering and Constructing the Common

Catalogue of the solo exhi­bi­ti­on enti­tled “Conquering and Constructing the Common”, MUAC, Mexico City, 2013.

Vrapče Pillows

Catalogue of the exhi­bi­ti­on “Vrapče Pillows” set up as a gal­lery recons­truc­ti­on of the pro­cess of making pil­lows in the Vrapče psyc­hi­atric hos­pi­tal. Forum Gallery, Zagreb, 2015.


Catalogue of the solo exhi­bi­ti­on held in the Salon of the Museum of Contemporary Art in Belgrade, June 2013.