Exhibition, News:

“Destigmatization” in the Museum of Contemporary Art in Zagreb


The pro­ject cre­ated in the Vrapče psyc­hi­atric hos­pi­tal deals with the pro­blem of dis­cri­mi­na­ti­on and pre­ju­di­ce aga­inst people suf­fe­ring from men­tal ill­ne­sses and disorders

“Comradeship / Collection as a Verb” exhi­bi­ti­on, MSU cura­to­ri­al team
07.07.2022 — 31.12.2023 / MSU, 1ST FLOOR


The pro­ject cre­ated in the Vrapče psyc­hi­atric hos­pi­tal deals with the pro­blem of dis­cri­mi­na­ti­on and pre­ju­di­ce aga­inst people suf­fe­ring from men­tal ill­ne­sses and disor­ders. It con­sis­ts of three seg­ments: two video ins­tal­la­ti­ons De-stig­ma (2010) and Within (2012), and an acti­on & inter­ven­ti­on in public spa­ce Vrapče Pillows (2013).

The pro­ject was cre­ated in col­la­bo­ra­ti­on with Dubravka Stijačić (spe­ci­al edu­ca­ti­on teac­her, soci­al peda­go­gist and psyc­hot­he­ra­pist) and pati­ents of Vrapče Psychiatric Hospital in all seg­ments of the pro­ject; and Vlatka Prstačić (head of cre­ati­ve wor­k­shops) and Kuna Zlatica design team on part of the pro­ject enti­tled Vrapče Pillows.

