
We learn to make space for everyone

The art work, cre­ated in col­la­bo­ra­ti­on with Indonesian wor­kers employed on the reno­va­ti­on of the Art Pavilion in Zagreb, opens a dialo­gue abo­ut coexis­ten­ce and a com­mon future.

You Betrayed the Party Just When You Should Have Helped It*

Site-spe­ci­fic pro­ject abo­ut the women’s poli­ti­cal pri­son camp on Goli Otok and Sveti Grgur islands

EQUALS — for the acceptance of diversity

The EQUALS col­lec­ti­ve is direc­ting atten­ti­on to the pre­sen­ce of dis­cri­mi­na­ti­on in Croatian soci­ety, and raising awa­re­ness on the impor­tan­ce of accep­tan­ce of diversity

Performing the Exhibition: ART-ACT-BOX

Interactive con­tem­po­rary dan­ce per­for­man­ces and exhibitions


Participative pro­ject, a col­la­bo­ra­ti­on with women, focu­sed pri­ma­rily on ran­dom wal­kers on the stre­ets of the citi­es invol­ved — Split, Naples, Belgrade, Ljubljana


The pro­ject, cre­ated at Vrapče Psychiatric Hospital, deals with the issue of dis­cri­mi­na­ti­on and pre­ju­di­ce towar­ds people with men­tal ill­ne­sses and disor­ders. It 

Creative Strategies

Through 3 dif­fe­rent modu­les, the pro­ject inves­ti­ga­tes the ways and impac­ts of per­so­nal and gro­up stra­te­gi­es and inven­ti­ons that con­tri­bu­te to a bet­ter daily life of the indi­vi­du­al and the community

Bosnians Out! (Workers without Frontiers)

The pro­ject war­ns abo­ut the living and wor­king con­di­ti­ons of cons­truc­ti­on wor­kers from Bosnia in Slovenia

Austrians Only

The pro­ject focu­ses on latent pre­ju­di­ces and dis­cri­mi­na­ti­on aga­inst fore­ign wor­kers in Austria


A poli­ti­cal artis­tic inter­ven­ti­on that focu­ses on the situ­ati­on of ille­ga­li­sed per­sons in Switzerland

Distributive Justice

The pro­ject deals with the issue of fair dis­tri­bu­ti­on of goods in soci­ety and ques­ti­ons the meaning of a per­so­nal sha­re in it

NAMA – 1908 Employees, 15 Department Stores

The cen­tral the­me of the pro­ject is non-tran­s­pa­rent tran­si­ti­on and the con­sequ­ent fate of workers