
You Betrayed the Party Just When You Should Have Helped It*

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Site-spe­ci­fic pro­ject abo­ut the women’s poli­ti­cal pri­son camp on Goli Otok and Sveti Grgur islands

*The title is the wor­ds of the war­den of Goli otok poli­ti­cal camp Marija Zelić


In col­la­bo­ra­ti­on with Renata Jambrešić Kirin (ant­hro­po­lo­gist) and Dubravka Stijačić (psyc­hot­he­ra­pist)


Goli otok, Sveti Grgur, 2019 — 2022


Goli Otok and Sveti Grgur [Bare Island, Saint Gregory] are pla­ces that have lod­ged in the col­lec­ti­ve memory as sites of repre­ssi­ve de-Stalinisation. They were cre­ated in 1949 as a res­pon­se of the Party to the Tito-Stalin schism, the inten­ti­on being the re-edu­ca­ti­on of recal­ci­trant mem­bers. Tito’s idea that the Cominformists had to be bro­ken and not mur­de­red opens up, apart from the regu­lar met­hods of con­cen­tra­ti­on cam­ps, the intro­duc­ti­on of a num­ber of spe­ci­fic featu­res of Goli Otok, par­ti­cu­lar­ly with res­pect to women. The violen­ce, des­truc­ti­ve and misogynis­tic bio-poli­tics in the camp, which sys­te­ma­ti­cal­ly attac­ked the repro­duc­ti­ve heal­th of the fema­le pri­so­ners, and at the same time fac­to­red out the­ir sexu­al spe­ci­fi­city, also tur­ned the pri­so­ners aga­inst each other, resul­ting in pro­fo­und tra­uma and long years of silen­ce from the women abo­ut the­ir expe­ri­en­ce on Goli Otok. The patri­ar­c­hal res­pon­se of soci­ety to the tra­uma of women and the atti­tu­des of the for­mer pri­so­ners them­sel­ves, who felt sha­me abo­ut what they went thro­ugh, means, accor­ding to a num­ber of fema­le rese­ar­c­hers, that women are still not equ­al­ly repre­sen­ted in the public dis­co­ur­se abo­ut tota­li­ta­ri­an violen­ce in Yugoslavia.



The artis­tic pro­duc­ti­on is focu­sed on rese­ar­ch into, devi­sing and pro­du­cing a pro­ject that takes up the issue of the women in cap­ti­vity on Goli Otok and Sveti Grgur. The objec­ti­ve is to open up a new form of coming to ter­ms with a spa­ce of de-huma­ni­sa­ti­on, thro­ugh rese­ar­ch and the esta­bli­sh­ment of women’s memory of the tra­uma­tic past thro­ugh a site-spe­ci­fic artis­tic inter­ven­ti­on. The inter­ven­ti­on con­sis­ts of visu­al poin­ting of the most cri­ti­cal points of women’s memory / tra­uma on the island as a form of a las­ting “monu­ment”, and live per­for­man­ces at the inter­sec­ti­on of spa­ces, move­ments, ins­tru­men­tal and vocal articulation.



Interventions as part of the pro­ject con­sis­ted of: (1) set­ting up a bilin­gu­al Croatian-English infor­ma­ti­on board abo­ut the orga­ni­za­ti­on and his­tory of the women’s poli­ti­cal camp on both islan­ds, (2) memo­ri­al points — recor­ding the memo­ri­es of fema­le camp inma­tes abo­ut the tra­uma expe­ri­en­ced during the­ir stay in both loca­ti­ons, (3) living per­for­man­ce thro­ugh the medi­um of con­tem­po­rary dan­ce, sound and voice as foren­sics of the Goli otok and Sveti Grgur islan­ds expe­ri­en­ce and (4) artis­tic acti­on of making scul­p­tu­res in clay.



1. Installing  an infor­ma­ti­on board on the camp locations


“Alternating betwe­en island of Goli otok and the neig­h­bo­uring island of Sveti Grgur from 1950 to 1956 here was a camp for poli­ti­cal pri­so­ners thro­ugh which passed more than 850 women accu­sed of having comin­form con­nec­ti­ons. With an excep­ti­onal­ly cru­el puni­sh­ment sys­tem, in which the women inma­tes were for­ced to assu­me the role of tor­tu­rer, the camp was a pla­ce of suf­fe­ring and humi­li­ati­on. The hara­s­sment and poli­ce sur­ve­il­lan­ce of the accu­sed women con­ti­nu­ed even after they had been let out of the camp,” is the ins­crip­ti­on on the infor­ma­ti­on board that was ins­tal­led as part of the pro­ject in both loca­li­ti­es, for the first time 64 years after the last fema­le pri­so­ners left the camp.

As Anca Verona Mihuleț, one of the cura­tors of the pro­jec­t’s exhi­bi­ti­on in Rijeka, expla­ins in her text, names, only names… , put­ting up that board — a nor­ma­ti­ve and res­pon­si­ble ges­tu­re in every demo­cracy — gives the­se deser­ted islan­ds an alter­na­ti­ve exis­ten­ce. (…) The exis­ten­ce of the board repre­sents the end of the sta­te of emer­gen­cy and the begin­ning of a new regi­me of meaning beyond the new politics.”

After the guer­ril­la artis­tic acti­on of pla­cing info-boar­ds in hard-to-reach loca­li­ti­es, the area, which has been mar­ked for the first time, beco­mes visi­ble to the gene­ral public than­ks to an ela­bo­ra­te media stra­tegy that is an inte­gral part of the pro­ject.



2. Memorial points 


In September 2020, with the help of scul­p­tor Silvester Ninić, a tes­ti­mony of for­mer camp inma­te Vera Winter was car­ved on Goli otok, writ­ten by her gran­d­da­ug­h­ter Nina Winter: “We car­ri­ed the sto­ne from the sea to the top of the hill. When the pile at the top was big eno­ugh, they would car­ry the sto­nes back to the sea.”


In June 2021, a tes­ti­mony of Ženi Lebl was car­ved into the living sto­ne on Sveti Grgur, writ­ten by the hand of her niece Ana Lebl: “On your hump, Sveti Grgur, the cla­ssic ques­ti­on ‘To be or not to be?’ If you beat — you will be. If you don’t beat, you will be beaten.”


Placing a board and wri­ting a tes­ti­mony on the sto­ne roun­ded off the inter­ven­ti­ons at the site, which left, on the one hand, a strong and visi­ble sign (info-board), and on the other — a hid­den tra­ce of a cons­tant remin­der of the pri­so­ner’s tor­tu­re (ins­crip­ti­ons of testimonies).


3. Live performance


Based on the tes­ti­mo­ni­es of the convic­ts, the artist wor­ked with the psyc­hot­he­ra­pist Dubravka Stijačić on short con­cep­ts for spa­ti­al rese­ar­ch with other artis­tic media — for the foren­sics of the body, voice and sound. In the per­for­man­ces of con­tem­po­rary dan­ce dan­cer Zrinka Užbinec, ins­tru­men­ta­list Jasna Jovićević and voca­list Annette Giesriegl, the expe­ri­en­ce of fema­le pri­so­ners was tran­sfer­red into a strong physi­cal expe­ri­en­ce. The video-ins­tal­la­ti­on cre­ated on the mate­ri­als recor­ded in the loca­li­ti­es were pre­sen­ted at the exhi­bi­ti­ons of the pro­ject.



4. Artistic action


The scul­p­tu­res made by Andreja at the site of the women’s camp on Goli otok sym­bo­li­cal­ly embody the memory of the violen­ce com­mit­ted the­re. Specific and very limi­ted living con­di­ti­ons on the island chan­ged women’s bodi­es, the­ir physi­cal and men­tal heal­th, whi­le they inter­ve­ned in the struc­tu­re of the island, took away from it and chan­ged its com­po­si­ti­on. Female convic­ts tur­ned unin­ha­bi­ted islan­ds into tem­po­rary impro­vi­sed living spa­ces. The acti­on tal­ks abo­ut the poin­tle­ss­ness of most of the for­ced labor during cap­ti­vity, abo­ut the fra­gi­lity of the body and the dif­fi­cul­ty of sur­vi­ving in the camp. On the other hand, the scul­p­tu­res come out, i.e. they grow out of the sto­ne, emp­ha­si­zing the fact that wor­king with sto­nes sha­ped the pri­so­ners and left tra­ces on the­ir bodi­es for the rest of the­ir lives. Places were cho­sen for the acti­on whe­re tra­ces of the work of fema­le deta­ine­es can still be seen, thus buil­ding a new nar­ra­ti­ve on the axis body — tran­sfor­ma­ti­on — sur­vi­val — nurturing.


The pro­ject was exhi­bi­ted as a solo show in the Historical and Maritime Museum of Istria in Pula (2021), in the Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art in Rijeka (2022) and in the Museum Vargas in Manila in Philippines (2023).


Project reali­za­ti­on: Author:  Andreja Kulunčić, visu­al artist / In col­la­bo­ra­ti­on with: Renata Jambrešić Kirin, ant­hro­po­lo­gist, Dubravka Stijačić, psyc­hot­he­ra­pist / Performative parts of the pro­ject in col­la­bo­ra­ti­on with: Zrinka Užbinec, dan­ce artist and cho­re­ograp­her, Jasna Jovićević, saxop­ho­nist and com­po­ser, Annette Giesriegl,voca­list and impro­vi­ser / Photo: Darko Bavoljak, Ivo Martinović, Andreja Kulunčić / Video: Darko Bavoljak, Ivo Martinović / Video edi­ting: Maida Srabović / Technical work on set­ting up the infor­ma­ti­ve sig­ns on the sites: Silvester Ninić, Darko Bavoljak, Ivo Martinović, Andreja Kulunčić / Informative Signs grap­hi­cal­ly desig­ned by: Igor Kuduz / Carving the tes­ti­mo­ni­es on the site: Silvester Ninić / Production: Association MAPA/Maja Marković, Andreja Kulunčić   and   Association Goli otok „Ante Zemljar“/Darko Bavoljak / 2019 – 2022


The pro­ject was sup­por­ted by: Zaklada Kultura nova, EPK Rijeka2020, Grad Zagreb, Ministarstvo kul­tu­re i medi­ja Republike Hrvatske and Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung.

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