
You Betrayed the Party Just When You Should Have Helped It

The exhi­bi­ti­on of the pro­ject, which has been ins­tal­led so far in the Historical Museum in Pula, in the MMSU in Rijeka and the Vargas Museum in Manila, focu­ses on women’s suf­fe­ring in the poli­ti­cal camp on Goli otok and Sv, Grgur.

Photography of the information board of the women’s political camp in the Ethnographic Museum

After the guer­ril­la acti­on of ins­tal­ling an infor­ma­ti­on board on Goli otok, the artist exhi­bits pho­to­grap­hy with the aim of intro­du­cing the mar­gi­na­li­zed topic of women’s his­to­ri­cal suf­fe­ring into institutions

You Betrayed The Party Just When You Should Have Helped It — second updated edition

The pro­jec­t’s publi­ca­ti­on and web site give an insig­ht into women’s suf­fe­ring in the Goli Archipelago

You Betrayed the Party Just When You Should Have Helped It*

Site-spe­ci­fic pro­ject abo­ut the women’s poli­ti­cal pri­son camp on Goli Otok and Sveti Grgur islands

EQUALS — for the acceptance of diversity

The EQUALS col­lec­ti­ve is direc­ting atten­ti­on to the pre­sen­ce of dis­cri­mi­na­ti­on in Croatian soci­ety, and raising awa­re­ness on the impor­tan­ce of accep­tan­ce of diversity

EQUALS — for the acceptance of diversity

The pro­ject was exhi­bi­ted in over ten coun­tri­es with simi­lar pro­blem of ste­re­otyping of mino­rity identities

“women.index” in the Museum of Contemporary Art in Zagreb

Providing tes­ti­mony abo­ut the way women per­ce­ive the­ir posi­ti­on in soci­ety by answe­ring the ques­ti­on “How do I feel?”

“Forms of life in contemporary Europe” in Gallery P74 in Ljubljana

Indexing of dis­cri­mi­na­tory atti­tu­des towar­ds fore­ign wor­kers and mino­rity iden­ti­ti­es in Europe

names, only names…

Text from the second publi­ca­ti­on of the pro­ject “You betrayed the Party just when you sho­uld have hel­ped it”

You Betrayed the Party Just When You Should Have Helped It – the deconstruction of an amnesia

Text from the first publi­ca­ti­on of the pro­ject “You Betrayed the Party Just When You Should Have Helped It”

Andreja Kulunčić’s exhibition at the Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art in Rijeka

Marijan Špoljar’s cri­ti­cal revi­ew of the exhi­bi­ti­on “You betrayed the Party…” for the show Triptych (HRT)


Participative pro­ject, a col­la­bo­ra­ti­on with women, focu­sed pri­ma­rily on ran­dom wal­kers on the stre­ets of the citi­es invol­ved — Split, Naples, Belgrade, Ljubljana