
You Betrayed The Party Just When You Should Have Helped It — second updated edition

The pro­jec­t’s publi­ca­ti­on and web site give an insig­ht into women’s suf­fe­ring in the Goli Archipelago

The second upda­ted edi­ti­on of the publi­ca­ti­on abo­ut the women’s poli­ti­cal camp on Goli Otok and Sveti Grgur “You betrayed the Party just when you sho­uld have hel­ped it” was publi­shed in December 2021. In addi­ti­on to the texts of ant­hro­po­lo­gist and femi­nist the­orist Renata Jambrešić Kirin and cura­tor and art his­to­ri­an Irena Bekić from the pre­vi­ous edi­ti­on, it inclu­des a text by cura­tor and art his­to­ri­an Anca Verona Mihuleț, which gives a new per­s­pec­ti­ve on the artis­tic and the­ore­ti­cal foun­da­ti­ons of the pro­ject. Also, the publi­ca­ti­on inclu­des new parts of the pro­ject, acti­ons and drawin­gs by Andreja Kulunčić, tes­ti­mo­ni­es and biograp­hi­es of for­mer deta­ine­es, and a list of Yugoslav women poli­ti­cal pri­so­ners. The desig­ner is Negra Nigoević, and the co-publi­shers of the publi­ca­ti­on are the asso­ci­ati­on MAPA and the Friedrich Ebert Foundation, Zagreb 2021.


The exis­ten­ce of a women’s poli­ti­cal camp on the islan­ds of Sveti Grgur and Goli otok (Radislište V) whe­re, alter­na­tely, in the peri­od from 1950 to 1956, aro­und 860 women accu­sed of being asso­ci­ated with the Cominform (Informbiro) were impri­so­ned, is a fact that is lit­tle known to the public. Even pro­fe­ssi­onal and sci­en­ti­fic dis­cu­ssi­ons abo­ut Goli otok focus almost exclu­si­vely on the male poli­ti­cal camp. The publi­ca­ti­on and web­si­te of the pro­ject pro­vi­de an insig­ht into women’s suf­fe­ring in the Goli Archipelago and a lon­ger-term appro­ach to the col­lec­ted materials.

The publi­ca­ti­on has been finan­ced with fun­ding from the Kultura Nova Foundation and was pro­du­ced with sup­port from the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung Dialogue Southeast Europe.

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