
Photography of the information board of the women’s political camp in the Ethnographic Museum


After the guer­ril­la acti­on of ins­tal­ling an infor­ma­ti­on board on Goli otok, the artist exhi­bits pho­to­grap­hy with the aim of intro­du­cing the mar­gi­na­li­zed topic of women’s his­to­ri­cal suf­fe­ring into institutions

Art Pavilion in the Ethnographic Museum, Zagreb
26.10.2023. – 26.11.2023.


“The Lighted Room — Conflict” in the Ethnographic Museum aut­ho­red by Ph.D. Sandra Križić Roban (Institute for the History of Art), cura­tor Irena Bekić (Art Pavilion) is a spe­ci­al seg­ment of the exhi­bi­ti­on “The Lighted Room — Women’s Photographic Practice in Croatia”.

2020 – 2021, digi­tal pho­to­graph, 100 x 140 cm, pri­va­te property

This pro­ject inves­ti­ga­tes the his­tory of a lit­tle-known women’s poli­ti­cal camp on the islan­ds of Sveti Grgur and Goli otok (Radislište V), whe­re aro­und 850 women were impri­so­ned in the peri­od from 1950 to 1956, convic­ted of betraying the coun­try, the par­ty, the people and Tito. The focus of the work is the deep tra­uma and long-term silen­ce resul­ting from the camp regi­me and the tre­at­ment of fema­le deta­ine­es. In addi­ti­on to humi­li­ati­on and cru­el puni­sh­ments, the inma­tes them­sel­ves were for­ced to punish each other, which was con­si­de­red re-edu­ca­ti­on along with soci­al­ly use­ful work, as sta­ted in Renata Jambrešić Kirin’s text publi­shed in the publi­ca­ti­on of the same name. As a result of a three-year rese­ar­ch, in addi­ti­on to publi­ca­ti­ons and exhi­bi­ti­ons, a web­si­te was publi­shed with tes­ti­mo­ni­es, inter­vi­ews, writ­ten memo­ri­es and a list of fema­le pri­so­ners, as well as drawin­gs and objec­ts by the artist, as well as docu­men­ta­ti­on on the spa­ti­al inter­ven­ti­ons car­ri­ed out on the site and the dis­cur­si­ve pro­gram conducted.

Part of the artis­tic stra­tegy also refer­red to the fact that the artist her­self took pho­tos of the infor­ma­ti­on board on Goli otok one year after she pla­ced it the­re on one of the outer wal­ls of the buil­ding that belon­ged to the women’s camp, with the aim of intro­du­cing this the­me into ins­ti­tu­ti­ons thro­ugh pho­to­grap­hy. By exhi­bi­ting this work, the role of pho­to­grap­hy itself is ques­ti­oned, whe­reby it does not fun­c­ti­on as a pic­tu­re, but enco­ura­ges the ope­ning of a field for pro­ble­ma­ti­zing the rela­ti­on­ship to women and the­ir pla­ce in soci­ety and his­tory with the aim of dissol­ving nar­ra­ti­ves that rema­ined on the mar­gins of the main his­to­ri­cal lines.

Board ins­tal­la­ti­on con­cept: Andreja Kulunčić / tec­h­ni­cal exe­cu­ti­on of the board ins­tal­la­ti­on: Darko Bavoljak, Andreja Kulunčić, Ivo Martinović, Silvester Ninić / grap­hic design of the board: Igor Kuduz. The work is part of the wider pro­ject “You betrayed the Party when you sho­uld have hel­ped it” cre­ated in col­la­bo­ra­ti­on with ant­hro­po­lo­gist Renata Jambrešić Kirin and psyc­hot­he­ra­pist Dubravka Stijačić, orga­ni­zed by the asso­ci­ati­on Goli otok “Ante Zemljar”/Darko Bavoljak and the asso­ci­ati­on MAPA.

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