mental illness

“Destigmatization” in the Center for Contemporary Arts in Celje

Two parts of the pro­ject that were cre­ated in the Vrapče psyc­hi­atric hos­pi­tal with a focus on soci­al dis­cri­mi­na­ti­on of people suf­fe­ring from men­tal ill­ne­sses and disor­ders are pre­sen­ted in the exhibition

Art From the Shadow

Text by Antun Maračić from the cata­lo­gue of the “Vrapce Pillows” exhi­bi­ti­on held at the Forum Gallery in Zagreb

“Destigmatization” in the Museum of Contemporary Art in Zagreb

The pro­ject cre­ated in the Vrapče psyc­hi­atric hos­pi­tal deals with the pro­blem of dis­cri­mi­na­ti­on and pre­ju­di­ce aga­inst people suf­fe­ring from men­tal ill­ne­sses and disorders


The pro­ject, cre­ated at Vrapče Psychiatric Hospital, deals with the issue of dis­cri­mi­na­ti­on and pre­ju­di­ce towar­ds people with men­tal ill­ne­sses and disor­ders. It 

Vrapče Pillows

Catalogue of the exhi­bi­ti­on “Vrapče Pillows” set up as a gal­lery recons­truc­ti­on of the pro­cess of making pil­lows in the Vrapče psyc­hi­atric hos­pi­tal. Forum Gallery, Zagreb, 2015.

Vrapče Pillows

The exhi­bi­ti­on in the Forum gal­lery in Zagreb in 2015 pro­ble­ma­ti­zed the stig­ma­ti­za­ti­on of people suf­fe­ring from men­tal ill­ne­sses and disorders