


Catalogue of the solo exhi­bi­ti­on held in the Salon of the Museum of Contemporary Art in Belgrade, June 2013.

Catalogue of the solo show of the visu­al artist Andreja Kulunčić enti­tled “women.index” in the Salon of the MoCAB, held from April to June 2013. The cata­lo­gue was publi­shed during the exhi­bi­ti­on so it con­ta­ins pho­tos of the dis­play of wor­ks (in the Salon and public spa­ces of the city) and dis­cur­si­ve parts of the exhi­bi­ti­on (wor­k­shops and dis­cu­ssi­ons) on the topic of the posi­ti­on of women in con­tem­po­rary society.


The text was writ­ten by the cura­tor of the exhi­bi­ti­on Zoran Erić, and the design of the publi­ca­ti­on was by Monika Lang. Publisher Museum of Contemporary Art Belgrade.


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