
Vrapče Pillows

Vrapcanski-jastuci.pdf web

Catalogue of the exhi­bi­ti­on “Vrapče Pillows” set up as a gal­lery recons­truc­ti­on of the pro­cess of making pil­lows in the Vrapče psyc­hi­atric hos­pi­tal. Forum Gallery, Zagreb, 2015.

The pil­lows were made by pati­ents at the Vrapče psyc­hi­atric hos­pi­tal as part of the pro­ject of the same name in 2013. The pro­mo­ti­on of the pil­low thro­ugh a media cam­pa­ign and the par­ti­ci­pa­ti­on of inte­res­ted per­sons via Facebook enhan­ced the dialo­gue abo­ut the taboo topic of the psyc­hi­atric hos­pi­tal, its pati­ents and men­tal illnesses.

The aut­hors of the pro­ject are Andreja Kulunčić (visu­al artist), Dubravka Stijačić (defec­to­lo­gist-soci­al peda­go­gue and psyc­hot­he­ra­pist, Vrapče Psychiatric Hospital), Vlatka Prstačić (leader of cre­ati­ve wor­k­shops at the Vrapče Psychiatric Hospital), Kuna zla­ti­ca (design team of Ana Kunej and Zlatka Salopek). Co-aut­hors of the pil­lows were pati­ents of the Vrapče Psychiatric Hospital.


Texts in the exhi­bi­ti­on cata­lo­gue Antun Maračić and Irena Bekić, design Kuna zla­ti­ca. Published by Forum Gallery, Zagreb.
