Conquering and Constructing the Common
Catalogue of the solo exhibition entitled “Conquering and Constructing the Common”, MUAC, Mexico City, 2013.
The project explores the self-organization of everyday life within the underprivileged communities on the outskirts of Mexico City. The catalogue follows the development segments of the project from 2011 to 2013.
The communities involved in the project were Asamblea Comunitaria Miravalle (one of the poorest young communities on the edge of the city), Calpulli Tecalco A.C., Milpa Alta (an indigenous Indian community on the edge of the city), Centro de Reflexión y Acción Laboral – Cereal (a group of Jesuits who act according to the principles liberation theology), Unión de Colonos, Inquilinos y Solicitantes de Vivienda, Cananea (a poor community on the edge of the city with 40 years of experience in self-organization).
The artistic production was installed, and during the duration of the exhibition through numerous activities developed in collaboration with the involved communities at the Museo Universitario da Arte Contemporaneo (MUAC, Mexico City), from November 2013 to February 2014. The texts in the catalogue were written by the curators of the exhibition Amanda de la Garza, Alejandra Labastida, Ignacio Pla, catalogue design by Andrea Bernal. Published by MUAC, Mexico City.