
Conquering and Constructing the Common

Mexico-MUAC.pdf web

Catalogue of the solo exhi­bi­ti­on enti­tled “Conquering and Constructing the Common”, MUAC, Mexico City, 2013.

The pro­ject explo­res the self-orga­ni­za­ti­on of everyday life wit­hin the under­pri­vi­le­ged com­mu­ni­ti­es on the out­skirts of Mexico City. The cata­lo­gue fol­lows the deve­lop­ment seg­ments of the pro­ject from 2011 to 2013.

The com­mu­ni­ti­es invol­ved in the pro­ject were Asamblea Comunitaria Miravalle (one of the poorest young com­mu­ni­ti­es on the edge of the city), Calpulli Tecalco A.C., Milpa Alta (an indi­ge­no­us Indian com­mu­nity on the edge of the city), Centro de Reflexión y Acción LaboralCereal (a gro­up of Jesuits who act accor­ding to the prin­ci­ples libe­ra­ti­on the­ology), Unión de Colonos, Inquilinos y Solicitantes de Vivienda, Cananea (a poor com­mu­nity on the edge of the city with 40 years of expe­ri­en­ce in self-organization).

The artis­tic pro­duc­ti­on was ins­tal­led, and during the dura­ti­on of the exhi­bi­ti­on thro­ugh nume­ro­us acti­vi­ti­es deve­lo­ped in col­la­bo­ra­ti­on with the invol­ved com­mu­ni­ti­es at the Museo Universitario da Arte Contemporaneo (MUAC, Mexico City), from November 2013 to February 2014. The texts in the cata­lo­gue were writ­ten by the cura­tors of the exhi­bi­ti­on Amanda de la Garza, Alejandra Labastida, Ignacio Pla, cata­lo­gue design by Andrea Bernal. Published by MUAC, Mexico City.

