
We learn to make space for everyone

The art work, cre­ated in col­la­bo­ra­ti­on with Indonesian wor­kers employed on the reno­va­ti­on of the Art Pavilion in Zagreb, opens a dialo­gue abo­ut coexis­ten­ce and a com­mon future.

“We learn to make soace for everyo­ne” is a new work by Andreja Kulunčić for the Art Pavilion in Zagreb. The first part was reali­zed in mid-December 2023 as a cam­pa­ign in city lig­ht boxes and bil­l­bo­ar­ds aro­und the city, and the second is plan­ned to be pla­ced on cons­truc­ti­on scaf­fol­ding aro­und the Pavilion in 2024. The work was cre­ated in col­la­bo­ra­ti­on with Indonesian wor­kers employed in the res­to­ra­ti­on of the Pavilion.


These are people who live the­ir invi­si­ble lives among us res­to­ring our cul­tu­ral monu­ments, and we sho­uld not pre­tend that they are not the­re by hol­ding fir­mly to our con­cep­ts of living, whi­le every arri­val of a stran­ger or the pre­sen­ce of some­one’s under­pri­vi­le­ged life we see as viola­ti­on of the alre­ady fra­gi­le boun­da­ri­es of the­se concepts.

On the pos­ters are the sta­te­ments of Indonesian wor­kers abo­ut what they think abo­ut life in Europe, how they feel in Croatia, abo­ut coexis­ten­ce with us and our com­mon futu­re. They also talk abo­ut the­ir cul­tu­re, which they would like to pre­sent — the wayang the­ater, who­se 3,000-year-old tra­di­ti­on is ins­cri­bed in the public spa­ce of the city thro­ugh pos­ters and is also networ­ked with the 125-year-old Pavilion. (Text by Irena Bekić)

Project reali­za­ti­on: Poster design Dejan Dragosavac Ruta / Translation from Indonesian during col­la­bo­ra­ti­on with wor­kers Marina Pretković / Indonesian wor­kers want to main­ta­in anonymity / Production Art Pavilion in Zagreb, 2023 – 2024.


Translation of the sta­te­ments on the posters:

“We woul­d­n’t be able to live here with our family. First of all, it’s too expen­si­ve. Secondly, we are soci­al, we can­not live alo­ne, we must know our neig­h­bors, get together.”


“It seems to me that people do not visit each other here. You can die wit­ho­ut anyo­ne knowing.”


“Sometimes when I smi­le at stran­gers here, it seems they ask me: Why are you smi­ling, what’s fun­ny??? I do it out of respect.”


“Europe and Asia are dif­fe­rent cul­tu­res, it is dif­fi­cult to live toget­her. And the­re is this his­to­ri­cal tra­uma with the Europeans. A cer­ta­in mis­trust and fear are still there.”



Explanation of wayang tra­di­ti­on on posters:

wayang (Indonesian: the­ater; sha­dow; ghost), a tra­di­ti­onal Indonesian pup­pet the­ater or sha­dow the­ater that inclu­des acting, sin­ging, music, dra­ma, lite­ra­tu­re, pain­ting, scul­p­tu­re, car­ving, and more. The wayang tra­di­ti­on has deve­lo­ped over tho­usan­ds of years, and it is also used as infor­ma­ti­on, pre­ac­hing, edu­ca­ti­on, phi­lo­sop­hi­cal under­stan­ding and enter­ta­in­ment. Since 2008, it has been under the pro­tec­ti­on of UNESCO as an intan­gi­ble wor­ld heritage.

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