
EQUALS — for the acceptance of diversity


The EQUALS col­lec­ti­ve is direc­ting atten­ti­on to the pre­sen­ce of dis­cri­mi­na­ti­on in Croatian soci­ety, and raising awa­re­ness on the impor­tan­ce of accep­tan­ce of diversity

Interventions in public spa­ce, 2017 – 2018


The EQUALS col­lec­ti­ve is a gro­up of women from Zagreb of vari­ous eth­nic, reli­gi­ous, raci­al and sexu­al iden­ti­ti­es. The aim of the­ir acti­vity is direc­ting atten­ti­on to the pre­sen­ce of dis­cri­mi­na­ti­on in Croatian soci­ety, and raising awa­re­ness on the impor­tan­ce of accep­tan­ce of diver­sity. The col­lec­ti­ve was ini­ti­ated and led by visu­al artist Andreja Kulunčić, the other mem­bers wish to rema­in anonymous.

The work of the EQUALS col­lec­ti­ve con­sis­ts of a seri­es of pos­ters, bil­l­bo­ar­ds and ani­ma­ti­on (>) which sen­si­ti­ze the atti­tu­de towar­ds women of dif­fe­rent eth­nic, reli­gi­ous, raci­al and sexu­al affiliations.

About the col­lec­ti­ve: “EQUALS” is the name under which a gro­up of women of dif­fe­rent mino­rity iden­ti­ti­es ope­ra­tes. Initially gat­he­red at the invi­ta­ti­on of the artist Andreja Kulunčić, who is also a mem­ber of the col­lec­ti­ve, they detec­ted thro­ugh a seri­es of wor­k­shop meetin­gs the basic pro­blems they face on a daily and ins­ti­tu­ti­onal level, which are the result of dis­cri­mi­na­tory for­ms of beha­vi­or and dis­cri­mi­na­tory legis­la­ti­on: from the fear of passing thro­ugh cer­ta­in are­as city beca­use of skin color or reli­gi­ous featu­res (hijab), dis­com­fort due to the use of one’s own lan­gu­age (Arabic) to the impo­ssi­bi­lity of adop­ting a child in a same-sex uni­on or obta­ining asylum. Together, they design a public cam­pa­ign in which they spe­ak from the first per­son abo­ut the­se pro­blems. The cam­pa­ign is imple­men­ted by sha­ring an ani­ma­ted video on soci­al networ­ks, pos­ters in city lig­ht boxes and bil­l­bo­ar­ds. With a public cam­pa­ign, the men­ti­oned pro­blems are mani­fes­ted as a symp­tom of soci­ety, and not just the pri­va­te pro­blems of a cer­ta­in gro­up. Among them, Andreja Kulunčić repre­sents a nor­ma­ti­ve iden­tity and an inter­sec­ti­onal thre­shold for the­ir passa­ge into the sys­tem, passing on artis­tic reso­ur­ces to them as tools for self-articulation.

In a time of soci­al cri­sis, growing pover­ty and uncer­ta­in­ty, the weake­ning of nati­onal sta­tes in the face of eco­no­mic glo­ba­li­za­ti­on and incre­ased migra­ti­on, nati­onal sta­tes are con­so­li­da­ting with the idea of the unity and homo­ge­ne­ity of the com­mu­nity. In such a cons­tel­la­ti­on, the domi­nant entity per­ce­ives mino­rity gro­ups, which with dif­fe­rent iden­ti­ti­es and mixed sta­tu­ses ero­de the unity of the col­lec­ti­ve iden­tity, as a col­lec­ti­ve stran­ger who is a thre­at to ima­gi­ned homo­ge­ne­ity, nati­onal eco­no­mic stren­g­th and cul­tu­ral cohe­ren­ce (A. Appadurai “Fear of small num­bers”). Identities that devi­ate from the norm (in this case Romani woman, Muslim woman, lesbi­an, black woman, asylum seeker from Syria) beco­me the object of into­le­ran­ce and the tar­get of violen­ce that will chan­ge sha­pe depen­ding on the iden­tity deter­mi­na­ti­on of the thre­ate­ned body.

Publicly spe­aking to the­ir fel­low citi­zens thro­ugh soci­al networ­ks and adver­ti­se­ments, the women of the EQUALS col­lec­ti­ve, who, being women over for­ty years of age and also mino­rity iden­ti­ti­es, at least doubly refract other­ness, ins­cri­be the­ir bodi­es in the public spa­ce, saying that they do not want to agree to the tyran­ny of the sta­tis­ti­cal cons­truct and that they want to live in the city, which they con­si­der the­ir own, wit­ho­ut fear and humiliation.

PROJECT PRODUCTION: POSTERS  Authors: EQUALS col­lec­ti­ve / Design: Dejan Dragosavac – Ruta / Photo: Ivan Posavec  /////  ANIMATION: Concept and scre­enwri­ting: EQUALS col­lec­ti­ve / Direction and ani­ma­ti­on: Vedran Štefan / Editing: Maida Srabović / Sound design and mixing: Ivan Mihoci / Music: Žen “Slava Raškaj” / After the video ori­gi­nal of the ISTE col­lec­ti­ve / Producent: MAPA Association / Zagreb, 2017 /////  Concept and pro­ject orga­ni­sa­ti­on: Andreja Kulunčić / Video and pho­to docu­men­ta­ti­on: Ivo Martinović / Texts: Irena Bekić / Production: MAPA Association, Zagreb, 2017

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