
Creative Strategies


Through 3 dif­fe­rent modu­les, the pro­ject inves­ti­ga­tes the ways and impac­ts of per­so­nal and gro­up stra­te­gi­es and inven­ti­ons that con­tri­bu­te to a bet­ter daily life of the indi­vi­du­al and the community

Multidisciplinary artistic-research project, 2010 – 2016

In the Creative Strategies pro­ject Andreja Kulunčić explo­res the for­ms and the effec­ts of coping, or per­so­nal and gro­up stra­te­gi­es and inven­ti­ons that con­tri­bu­te to a bet­ter everyday life for indi­vi­du­al and com­mu­nity in the face of frequ­en­tly absent or ina­dequ­ate ins­ti­tu­ti­onal mec­ha­ni­sms. The modu­lar struc­tu­re of the pro­ject pre­sup­po­ses the interwe­aving of the­ore­ti­cal rese­ar­ch, prac­ti­cal art and cri­ti­cal­ly reflec­ti­ve modu­les. The artis­tic pro­jec­ti­on invol­ves diver­se met­ho­do­lo­gi­es and media.

EXHIBITION "SOUTH BY SOUTHEAST" OSAGE GALLERY, HONG KONG, 2015 Curated by Anca Verona Mihulet and Patrick D. Flores

The goal of the pro­ject is to deve­lop a plat­form for under­stan­ding, exc­han­ging and cre­ating new cre­ati­ve stra­te­gi­es as a res­pon­se to spe­ci­fic soci­al situ­ati­ons and con­di­ti­ons, as well as the­ir acti­va­ti­on in the real soci­al fabric.

The artis­tic pro­duc­ti­on of the pro­ject is orga­ni­zed by modu­les. Each modu­le has its own spe­ci­fic way of appro­ac­hing the topic and thro­ugh a prac­ti­cal pro­cess, dif­fe­rent met­ho­do­lo­gi­es are deve­lo­ped wit­hin each modu­le as well as ways of analysing the resul­ts. The modu­les are com­ple­men­tary, for­ming a who­le pro­ject, but they also fun­c­ti­on inde­pen­den­tly (exhi­bi­ti­on, book, the­ore­ti­cal dis­cu­ssi­on, web site, etc.), or in com­bi­na­ti­on with one or seve­ral other pro­ject modu­les at the same time. Exhibitions, pre­sen­ta­ti­ons and analyses of modu­les run paral­lel to the­ir creation.


The three main modu­les of the pro­ject are:

First Modul: Everyday Divergences (2011)
Second Modul: Conquering and Constructing the Common (2013−2014)
Third Modul: Toolkit for a Joint Action (2014−2016)

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