
“women.index” in the Museum of Contemporary Art in Zagreb

Providing tes­ti­mony abo­ut the way women per­ce­ive the­ir posi­ti­on in soci­ety by answe­ring the ques­ti­on “How do I feel?”

The exhi­bi­ti­on “The Visible Ones”, cura­ted by Martina Munivrana.
18.05.2023 — 01.10.2023 / MSU, 3RD FLOOR
Participatory pro­ject that was cre­ated in col­la­bo­ra­ti­on with women, pri­ma­rily with ran­dom passers-by on the stre­ets of the citi­es invol­ved (Split, 2007 / Naples, 2011 / Belgrade, 2013 / Ljubljana, 2014). The goal is to pro­vi­de tes­ti­mony abo­ut the way women per­ce­ive the­ir posi­ti­on in soci­ety by answe­ring the ques­ti­on “How do I feel?”

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