
“WE: VOICES” solo exhibition in the Modern Gallery in Podgorica


The exhi­bi­ti­on cre­ates a unique ambi­en­ce from parts of the artis­t’s pre­vi­ous wor­ks with a focus on the impor­tan­ce of taking soci­al responsibility

21.12.2023 — 31.1.2024, Modern Gallery, JU Museums and Galleries of Podgorica, Montenegro / Curators Irena Bekić and Anca Verona Mihuleț / Associate cura­tor of the exhi­bi­ti­on Ljiljana Karadžić, Modern Gallery


Visual artist Andreja Kulunčić, who­se work repre­sents one of the key oeuvres of soci­al­ly enga­ged artis­tic prac­ti­ce in Croatia, pre­sents her­self to the Podgorica and Montenegrin audi­en­ce with the exhi­bi­ti­on “We: Voices”. The exhi­bi­ti­on pre­sents wor­ks cre­ated over the past two deca­des and can also be viewed as a retros­pec­ti­ve review.

In her artis­tic prac­ti­ce, Andreja Kulunčić detec­ts soci­al injus­ti­ces and explo­res the ways in which we can oppo­se them. Teenage preg­nant women in England, Bosnian wor­kers in Slovenia, migrants in Austria, Indonesian wor­kers in Croatia, undo­cu­men­ted wor­kers in Switzerland, dismi­ssed wor­kers of the lar­gest reta­il cha­in in Croatia, people with non-nor­ma­ti­ve iden­ti­ti­es, women, uni­on fig­h­ters, poli­ti­cal pri­so­ners are just a few. of the many who­se invi­si­ble, unpri­vi­le­ged lives mark the glo­bal world.

With the help of dif­fe­rent voices, Kulunčić intro­du­ces a chan­ge into the usu­al and one-direc­ti­onal way in which we per­ce­ive our surroundings.

The exhi­bi­ti­on built aro­und five sta­ti­ons — news­pa­per nar­ra­ti­on, a zone of moving ima­ges, tes­ti­mo­ni­es of fema­le pri­so­ners, a men­tal map of the aut­hor and a sequ­en­ti­al arran­ge­ment of pos­ters — brin­gs toget­her people who are pushed to the soci­al mar­gins by con­sen­sus in dif­fe­rent ways.

Passing thro­ugh the gal­lery, the audi­en­ce beco­me awa­re of the invi­si­ble thre­ads that cons­ti­tu­te the col­lec­ti­ve per­s­pec­ti­ve and voice of soci­al­ly under­pri­vi­le­ged individuals.


Visitors to the exhi­bi­ti­on are invi­ted to lis­ten, show soli­da­rity and take a com­mon risk to con­front a wor­ld in which some are pri­vi­le­ged and others are redu­ced to survival.

In such a cons­tel­la­ti­on, in a col­lec­ti­ve effort that does­n’t nece­ssa­rily unfold only wit­hin the realm of poli­ti­cal power, an acti­ve field of acti­on is cre­ated. In this pro­cess, the indi­vi­du­al “I” tran­sfor­ms into a col­lec­ti­ve “we.”


Realization of the exhi­bi­ti­on: Graphic design Srđa Dragović / Technical reali­za­ti­on Neđeljko Radević and Vukić Petrović / Printing of the news­pa­per-cata­lo­gue daily “Dan” / Photographs of ins­tal­la­ti­ons and conver­sa­ti­ons Filip Roganović and Ivo Martinović / Production Moderna gale­ri­ja Podgorica, 2023.