
Toolkit for a Joint Action


The “Toolkit” is a modu­lar por­ta­ble ins­tal­la­ti­on with the aim of edu­ca­ti­on and fin­ding the inter­me­di­ate spa­ces of acti­on wit­hin the sys­tem, at the same time tran­sfor­ming it with dif­fe­rent tools

Galerija NOVA, Zagreb, 2014


The third modu­le of the Creative Strategies pro­ject is a Toolkit For a Joint Action, which ini­ti­al­ly bro­ug­ht toget­her seve­ral acti­vist gro­ups: Direct Democracy in School, New Syndicate, BRID, Women’s Front, FEM Front, ZMAG and Right to the City. With the idea of cre­ating a plat­form for the deve­lop­ment of edu­ca­ti­on, par­ti­cu­lar­ly of clo­sed and remo­te com­mu­ni­ti­es, of cri­ti­cal con­si­de­ra­ti­on of and acti­ve par­ti­ci­pa­ti­on in the poli­ti­cal and cul­tu­ral set­ting, toget­her they tho­ug­ht up the dis­cur­si­ve mate­ri­al for the Toolkit - physi­cal­ly reali­zed in inte­rac­ti­ve fur­ni­tu­re, a spa­ti­al modu­lar unit, cre­ated as a kind of tool­kit that, for edu­ca­ti­onal needs, tran­sfer­red to dif­fe­rent locations.

The Toolkit covers basic con­cep­ts from are­as that repre­sent the fra­mework for civic awa­re­ness: syn­di­ca­lism, direct demo­cracy, femi­nism, prac­ti­cal the­ology, sus­ta­ina­ble living, rig­ht to the city and enga­ged art. The mate­ri­al also inclu­des a list of the refe­ren­ce wor­ks, a map of the wor­ld giving exam­ples of soci­al chan­ges and an arc­hi­ve of labo­ur struggles.

The star­ting point is the poten­ti­al of everyday coping of indi­vi­du­als wit­hin poli­ti­cal­ly and/or eco­no­mi­cal­ly dysfun­c­ti­onal situ­ati­ons as one of the pre­con­di­ti­ons for (eco­no­mic and soci­al) sur­vi­val. By rese­ar­c­hing and analyzing the­ir poten­ti­al, Toolkit opens up issu­es of networ­king and expan­ding joint acti­on wit­hin the poli­ti­cal inter­s­pa­ces, cre­ated by arti­fi­ci­al rece­ssi­on and an incre­asin­gly wides­pre­ad tec­h­no­cra­tic gover­n­ment, for bet­ter fun­c­ti­oning of the imme­di­ate and wider com­mu­nity. Discovering and col­la­bo­ra­ting wit­hin the gray zones, inter­sti­ces, inter­me­di­ate spa­ces of libe­ral gover­n­ment, both wit­hin the coun­try and on the inter­na­ti­onal plat­form, opens spa­ces of par­ti­ci­pa­ti­on for cre­ati­ve com­mu­nity orga­ni­za­ti­on, fin­ding new fun­c­ti­onal solu­ti­ons for daily sur­vi­val and networ­king, beco­ming a legi­ti­ma­te means of com­mu­nity par­ti­ci­pa­ti­on on the poli­ti­cal plat­form. In this case, the cre­ati­ve tools of the com­mu­nity are not aimed at being acti­va­ted aga­inst the sys­tem, but with the aim of fin­ding an inter­me­di­ate spa­ce of acti­on wit­hin the sys­tem, at the same time tran­sfor­ming it with dif­fe­rent tools. During its dura­ti­on, the pro­ject was con­ti­nu­ous­ly upda­ted on the web plat­form www.pocetnica.org.

During the exhi­bi­ti­on in the gal­lery Nova, Zagreb from May 23 to July 10, 2014. the focus of the dis­cur­si­ve part of the pro­ject was on the self-orga­ni­za­ti­on of wor­kers and the new pover­ty in the local, Croatian context.

Video “What has our strug­gle given to me?”>
The video exa­mi­nes possi­bi­li­ti­es of wor­kers’ strug­gles and self-orga­ni­za­ti­on in the tro­ubled cir­cum­s­tan­ces of cor­rupt pri­va­ti­za­ti­on and soci­al ero­si­on in Croatia.

Led by the Direct Democracy in School gro­up, the Toolkit toured Croatian citi­es with the aim of edu­ca­ting, infor­ming, raising awa­re­ness, ope­ning dialo­gue and acti­va­ting the audi­en­ce, pri­ma­rily high scho­ol stu­dents for whom it is intended.

Toolkit on Tour:


Entering pro­jec­ts equ­al­ly in gal­lery and non-gal­lery spa­ces, tre­ating art as a tool for knowled­ge tran­sfer, infor­mal edu­ca­ti­on and as a medi­um for cre­ating stra­te­gi­es that can res­pond to spe­ci­fic situ­ati­ons and con­di­ti­ons in soci­ety, Andreja Kulunčić con­s­ci­ous­ly dis­tan­ces art from ini­ti­al eli­tism, whe­re the key role is played by tac­tics of using the infras­truc­tu­re of the art system.

Authors: Andreja Kulunčić, Direct Democracy in School gro­up, New Trade Union, in coope­ra­ti­on with the Base for Workers’ Initiative and Democratization-BRID.
Graphic design of the tool­kit: Luka Juras / Spatial design of the tool­kit: Mirna Horvat / Design of new parts Beginners: Dejan Dragosavac Ruta / Project orga­ni­za­ti­on: Martina Kontošić and MAPA Association.

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